Saturday, December 4, 2010

Blueberry Plants

There are three basic types of cultivated blueberries, along with the native
lowbush blueberries. Maine is famous for their wild blueberries, and these
are the native lowbush berries. Cultivated blueberries are either highbush,
rabbiteye or southern highbush varieties, or a cross of any of these types.

Gardeners in northern climates should choose a highbush variety, or a
half-high hybrid that is crossed with the native lowbush plants. Rabbiteye
and southern highbush blueberries are more suited to the South.

For larger blueberry yields, two or more varieties should be planted.
It is not absolutely necessary to have more than one variety for pollination,
but if the plants are allowed to cross-pollinate, the berries will be larger
and the plants will produce a larger yield. Five plants will provide enough
blueberries for fresh eating, drying and preserving for a family of four.

Blueberry plants require full sun to produce a good crop. Blueberry bushes
need to grow in moist, acidic soil with a pH between 4.0 and 5.0. If the
pH is above 5.0, apply granular soil sulphur or aluminum sulfate to acidify it,
following the application rates on the package. If the soil pH is below 4.0
apply ground dolomitic limestone to sweeten it a bit.

The soil should be kept moist but not soggy. If the soil in your backyard
does not drain well, consider creating a raised bed for your blueberries.
When preparing the planting bed, mix a shovel full of well-rotted compost
or peat moss with the soil in each planting hole to increase the organic matter.

Plant blueberry bushes in the fall, or in the spring as soon as the soil can
be worked and after all danger of frost has past. The plants should be spaced
four to six feet apart.

The plants will begin to produce fruit in their third season, and the crop will
increase a bit each year until it reaches its full potential in the sixth season.
The plants generally require very little or no pruning for the first three years.

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