Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas - Reason for the season

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year. A time to enjoy family and friends.

Christmas is a time of giving. Yes, in the past we have all been pressured into
giving of gifts of a commercial nature. Some of these commercial gifts have
cost a considerable amount of money. Yet in these troubled times the most
valuable gifts we can give, are our time, talents, friendship and love. All
else will be broken, worn out, tossed out, and/or forgotten.

As we continue through this season, scatter a little compassion, sow seeds
of kindness and let's see what grows. And harvest a bounty of happiness.

When the car ahead, cuts you off, instead of some hasty freeway sign
language, just say "Merry Christmas". And surely your day will be better
for doing so. When the lines are long, let someone move ahead of you to
ease their burden. Open a door for someone, greet a stranger with a smile,
cheer up an overworked cashier, wave to a neighbor, just a few small acts
of kindness that can change a hostile world. The greatest gift may be a smile
to someone that thinks they have no reason to smile or be happy. Take time
to cheer up the sad and make them feel glad.

These small acts have huge rewards, maybe not to you, but some lucky
person will be the recipient. If you pay it forward and do a good deed first,
you can smile as you lift the spirits of an unsuspecting soul.

Christ, is the reason for this season, all his kindness and sacrifice he paid
forward. I paraphase his teaching of "If you do it unto the least of these,
ye have done it unto me". Therefore no act of kindness will go unrewarded.

Have a safe and wonderful holiday, and help change the world, one act at a time.

"Merry Christmas!" from this 'greenhouse' to your house
From: Lil' Red Greenhouse

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